
12 Years Later: Remembering 9/11

piratedan9/11/2013 7:36:57 am PDT

re: #179 Lidane

I’m seeing conservatives post variations of this in the last 24 hours:

Yes. Because Obama was somehow blindsided by the Russian chem weapons “deal” that Syria has accepted and he got “schooled” by Vladimir.

I’m seeing all these otherwise smart people insist that we’re now Russia’s bitch in the Middle East because we somehow got pantsed on the world stage. I don’t see it. I see a conversation at the G20 Summit between Putin and Obama that led to this point and Obama wisely leaving our military on alert if there are any attempts at backsies.

it’s all about making sure that the black guy doesn’t get credit for anything. It’s flat out denial that he really has been the best elected leader that we’ve had since Eisenhower, maybe even Roosevelt. There are times where I actually tear up thinking about what this man could have done for the country if he had more than a five month window to get his agenda through. Despite all of the obstruction, it’s actually made me prouder of him that he’s been able to get as much done as he has in the area of foreign policy and facilitating the dropping of barriers for LGBT rights. I can’t say without a doubt that his economic policies would have worked, but I sure as hell would have wanted to give them a chance.