
Called It! Wingnuts Intentionally Trying to Overload Healthcare.Gov

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)11/08/2013 10:15:25 am PST

re: #167 HappyWarrior

Ooh there’s a film version? I’ll have to check that out myself. Of course, the standard is Barbara Taubman’s Guns of August. I believe that one was actually recommended to me here.

Robert Massie’s _Dreadnought_ also goes into the lead up to WW1. Concentrates on the naval side of things, but does also cover the series of crises and shifting alliances that were affecting decisions as well.

He also has a sequel, _Castles of Steel_ that covers the WW1 naval war. So you can see what happens to the stuff the UK and Germany spent all that money building.