
"Quite Literally Demon-Possessed"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/22/2013 12:52:22 pm PST

That AP story has a classic AP-esque bit of euphemistic writing:

Textbook and classroom curriculum battles have long raged in Texas pitting creationists — those who see God’s hand in the creation of the universe — against academics who worry about religious and political ideology trumping scientific fact. At issue this time are proposed high school textbooks that could be used statewide starting next school year and through 2022 at least.

What a way to water down what the Texas creationists actually want.

This own story gives an example:

[…] One argued that creationism based on biblical texts should be taught in science classes, while others objected that climate change wasn’t as settled a scientific matter as some of the proposed books said.