
In Which Peggy Noonan Wrestles the Many-Armed Squid in Ink-Darkened Water

Killgore Trout4/06/2014 8:01:54 am PDT

Oregon tolerance update: Business owner stands up for the rights of others, gets targeted himself
Is the Furor Over a Sellwood Market Now Turning Toward Nick Zukin?

Perhaps the most-vociferous voice in the “business owners are allowed to think how they want” camp: Local restaurateur Nick Zukin, owner of Mi Mero Mole and co-owner co-founder of Kenny and Zuke’s.

And now: Maybe the ol’ Portland Boycott Train is swinging in Zukin’s direction? Conversation has been lively on Facebook today, after local culture maven Byron Beck took issue with the restaurateur’s response. That led to Zukin defending himself in a still-going comment thread, asking individual people why they’ll now be boycotting his eateries, and accusing the lot of Portlanders of being no better than Childs if we’d seek to ruin her for not having the same views.

Bonus: due to erroneous reports in the press they may be boycotting the wrong business.