
Breitbart "News" Sponsors "National Security Conference" With Crazed Survivalist Group

Weet9/26/2014 5:34:55 am PDT

Not the first thing I’ve read about Holder, but I thought I’d look at the NYT Editorial Board’s opinion. I’m reading it and liking it, and then I get to this:

“As the first African-American to serve as the nation’s top law enforcement official, Mr. Holder broke ground the moment he took office. In a position that rarely rewards boldness — and in the face of a frequently hostile Congress — Mr. Holder has continued to stake out strong and laudable legal positions on many of the most contested issues of our time. But his record is marred by the role the Justice Department played in matters of secrecy and national security under his leadership.

You and your fucking Snowden fix NYT, fuck you.