
A Spectacular Fiery Dance Video: Stardust

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)1/03/2015 8:13:24 am PST

What bothers me as I just read Randall’s latest article about the newest nutters in the Congress is how Republican primary voters keep on nominating people who are genuinely nuts and more closer to what the BNP believes than what a normal center-right party should be. You’ve not only got people like Jody Hice in the House but also Joni Ernst- an actual believer in nullification in the Senate. And I know that if Virginia hadn’t had its elections in the immediate year following the presidential election that today we would be getting used to the idea of Governor elect Cuccinneli and perhaps even Lt Governor elect E.W Jackson. I see no attempts at all by people within the GOP to discover a center-right to combat the wackos.I do see a lot of panderers who like to move to the right like McCain and then act like they’re somehow “different” than the demagogues.