
Video: Louie "Terror Babies" Gohmert Jumps Out and Yells About "Radical Islam"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/23/2016 12:10:50 am PDT

re: #181 majii

What is on the floor of the House now is more than a simple argument on whether a particular gun bill should come up for a vote.

Every Republican hypocritical talking point for the last thirty years is being exposed for what it is: empty rhetoric.

Damn, I am proud to be a Democrat. Where was my party in 2010? When GHW Bush was demonising me for being an atheist and unpatriotic when I was in the bloody US Navy on flippin’ recruiting duty and on a carrier?

When Reagan “we don’t bow to terrorists” had my carrier on workups run to Lebanon from the Caribbean to help flee Beirut?

Every event that conservatives have supported they have lost. They have always been on the wrong side of history, and they are now.

The Revolutionary War (conservatives supported the Crown)
The Whiskey Rebellion (conservatives opposed Federal power and George Washington leading the Army)
The Louisiana Purchase
The Civil War (conservatives supported slavery)
The Depression (conservatives opposed the New Deal)
WW2 (America Firsters opposed entering the war against the Nazis, until Japan attacked us)
The Vietnam War (conservatives supported it)
Women’s right to vote (conservatives opposed it)
Civil rights (conservatives supported Jim Crow)
Iraq War (conservatives supported attacking a country that did us no harm)
Iran-Contra (conservative supported violating laws from Congress to give money to right wing death squads by selling weapons to Iran, our enemy at the time)
“Debts don’t matter.” - Dick Cheney

A conservative is a fellow standing athwart history yelling “stop.” - William F Buckley, Jr.