
Next-Level Vocals: Michael Mayo, "20/20"

Jay C8/24/2020 7:17:13 am PDT

re: #152 dangerman

If they had any sense they’d look forward to see the threats and challenges facing the country and the world that are coming at us and that we will have to face to survive

Except that for what seems to be the majority of the Republican Party these days, the sole -Pavlovian - response to any possible “threats and challenges facing the country” is to reflexively and angrily push the blame onto “Them” (Democrats/liberals/media/Those People, etc.), and then double down on the politics of grievance, resentment and hate. And not care about any of it. Or view democracy, per se, as anything but a stumbling-block to “righteous” governance.

This is what chaps my backside when I see things like that Biden/Harris interview on ABC last night: for all that they both (IMO) are capable, intelligent and competent people, the continual pitching of Joe as a “uniter-not-a-divider” and similar themes may be, objectively, right and worthy: but I’m really unsure how politically effective it is going to be in 2020.

What that approach fails to recognize, IMO, is that there is a sizable, irreducible and unapproachable bloc of the electorate who DON’T WANT to be “united” and for whom the political system is a zero-sum game of rulers and ruled. And who are going to be around, probably even angrier, for years into the future.