
The Bob Cesca Podcast: George Tiller the Baby Killer

Dr Lizardo7/15/2022 4:01:35 am PDT

re: #135 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

There has been way too little discussion of how the breakup of the USSR left a diaspora of over 20 million ethnic Russians stranded beyond the borders of Russia.

And whereas they were a privileged minority in the USSR with access to better jobs, housing, education and career advancement opportunities, they found themselves after the breakup being treated like´, well, minorities.

They are Putin’s Sudetendeutsch or Ulstermen.

Then they should move back to glorious Mother Russia, where they’ll be welcomed with open arms. Oh, what’s that? They don’t want to lose what they’ve got in their new home countries?

Too fucking bad. They can sit down and enjoy a nice big hot cup of shut the fuck up.