
Krauthammer: The Fierce Urgency of Pork

n in wi2/06/2009 10:08:13 am PST

re: #128 tfc3rid

I can’t take this bullshit for 4 years… What’s going to happen in a real crisis? Like a terror attack?

If this clown throws a fit when he doesn’t get his way (and when he’s caught) with a bad pork spending bill, what the hell is he going to do when Al Qaeda leaves another calling card at the door?

The sad irony here is that Bush fighting an aggressive War on terror,and making gains on it,has allowed many to become complacent toward terrorism and feel safe to vote for a charismatic candidate with no experience.
I think in Chaney’s interview with the Politico , Chaney was trying to guard against such complacency. Unfortunately there are too many deaf ears in the public.