
Palin Staying in Politics

Walter L. Newton7/12/2009 11:27:26 am PDT

re: #171 alegrias

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Intelligent people here should be demanding Biden go to the woodshed.

Intelligent people here could point out EVERY DAY how Biden is way stupider than Palin, but nooooooooooo!

Biden hung around DC at his FIRST AND ONLY JOB (Senator from little tiny tax shelter Delaware) for over 35 years and is somehow considered “qualified” and “expert” enough to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

We are talking about PALIN. You want to compare someone like Palin is is better than the idiot Biden, but is Palin the BEST that the conservative movement can come up with?

If you can say yes, she is the best, than good. If you think we can do BETTER, find the BEST, then we need to get to work and stop wasting time.

It sounds to me, in an effort to win at any cost, a lot of conservatives are going to settle for better, and loose.