
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

non obama mama10/02/2009 11:38:52 am PDT

re: #164 drcordell

Again. That’s a decision to make when the city decides to nominate themselves for the games in the first place. Once they have put themselves in the official running, how can Obama not support their bid?

This is not about Obama.

Mayor Bloomberg decided to make a NYC bid for the Olympic games for 2012 over and above the wishes of the electorate, who were mostly against it.

Just because Mayor Daley wanted the games did not mean it was good for the city, or that Chicagoans actually wanted them to happen.

I again am glad that Chicago lost the bid, just as I was glad NYC lost the bid for 2012. My opinion has nothing to do with Obama.

There are many sound reasons to not support a Chicago Olympic games, and they are unrelated to “ODS.”