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Buck10/07/2009 3:23:00 pm PDT

re: #178 LudwigVanQuixote

We know it is rising because starting in the industrial age because of direct measurements, the fact that there are all those smoke stacks, ice cores and many other forms of data.

Nope, smoke stacks are not evidence of anything related to this discussion.
Ice cores are, and we really don’t know everything we can from them.

The reason why what I am saying is not irrational is because everything I say is backed by hard science.

You got hard science that I am evil, and that I want people to die?
(Hint, those are the irrational statements)

When you ignore the increased CO2 concentrations and try to sweep them under the rug, you are denying the science.

No… I am not ignoring the increased CO2 concentrations and I am not trying to sweep them under the rug. That must be someone else.

When you write things like

And that it would happen even if we were all be living in huts and gathering berries.

you are implicitly denying that CO2 is a GHG.

Bad logic.
Nope that does not mean that at all. CO2 was present in the atmosphere before the industrial revolution, and even before humans were present on the planet. It was a GHG then, as it is now.

The concentration of CO2 changed back then, and changes now.

Then make the truly stupid statement about your growth (- I really have no idea what you mean, or how that makes any sense as an argument, could you please explain it?) you demonstrate know understanding of science at all.

If you only show a small number of years (50) you are going to get a very distorted view of what the chart means.

If I showed you a chart of my growth from birth to 16 y/o, it would look like I should be 30 feet tall in only a few years.

150 years in the life of a planet is not even a millisecond to you and me.

On your planet, do they read much?

I have a theory… the first one who does personal attacks… loses.