
Texas GOP Platform: Make Gay Marriage a Felony

Mad Prophet Ludwig6/22/2010 2:32:32 pm PDT

re: #163 Casual Talker

What do you think is going to happen in 2010?

It is actually very hard to call. On the one hand, there is great anti-incumbent sentiment. The party in power always loses seats in teh mid-term elections, because even if they were all 100% competent, they don’t have any magic wands.

On the other hand, while there is an economic down turn, there is also a very strong and deep resentment of the market, the banks, big business, big oil and the traditional masters of the GOP.

The guns, gays, commies and Jesus stuff may work in regional elections where the average voter wears a mullet (or a tinfoil hat) and a big belt buckle, but it won’t fly very far with non-white trash.

I think that in some states we will see the crazies get more seats. I fully expect to see some Western or Southern States elect some teabaggers. However, in other regions, the obvious lunacy and racism that has beeneminating from the GOP will bite them in the ass.

All in all it is hard to say.