
Bobby Jindal Signs Mandatory Ultrasound Law with No Rape Exemption

Kefirah7/08/2010 1:40:09 pm PDT

it’s the medical malpractice bit that is the most concerning. insurance companies, who happily look for reasons to slough off risk, will ditch doctors who perform abortions - and without medical malpractice insurance, those doctors cannot practice ANYTHING. you don’t get covered per procedure, you are covered as an individual.

few doctors will risk coverage just to help pregnant women. [note: i didn’t say all, because there will be a stand.up smattering of physicians who hold their creed dearly]. i’m not sure they can even be blamed, frankly. either they continue to provide care for the rest of the population, minus pregnant women who want to legally terminate their abortions, or they risk failing to help anyone at all.

this one is on the politicians. they’ve effectively guaranteed the cessation of abortions in louisiana. to counter, i’m willing to bet that texas and other neighboring states pass similar laws, ostensibly to discourage people from coming HERE for a more easily obtained procedure.

bile tastes sour, and that’s all that’s rising in my throat, after this reading. glad to see sexism alive and well.