
Assange Arrest Imminent

nhand4212/02/2010 8:07:42 pm PST

re: #165 Gus 802

Works for me. Sorry, but I choose sides. I realize that the USA can be royal clusterfuck of a place to live sometimes but it’s still my country. I picked a side and it’s the USA. So yes, sorry but those guys are worse. I’m a citizen of the USA not the world.

And it’s a mighty fine country. But one of the things that made it mighty fine was its distrust of government, its investigative journalists who rooted out corruption, and its upstanding citizens who pilloried and destroyed corrupt politicians.

Yet here we have proof of government corruption, and you guys are openly siding with the government and shooting the messenger. What gives?

You can still have a great country if you send corrupt politicians to the cells they so rightly deserve. Arguably you’d have an even greater country as a result.