
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'

Usually refered to as anyways12/30/2010 5:52:32 pm PST

re: #172

In my opinion, based on information I have seen:
Manning stole information and passed it to Assange, who had a network for dissemination.
Assange decided to use his network and disseminate the information, thus completing the theft.

That is an example of a clear and concise statement of a person’s position on this.
Care to share yours?

In my opinion, based on information I have seen:
Manning stole information and passed it to wikileaks, who had a network for dissemination.
Manning was the theif and at this point the documents were stolen.
They were stolen before wikileaks received them.

Can I add, I would like to see the US Govt take action over the security that would allow 2.5 million people access to 250,000 documents that they can download.

How did I do?