
The Fascist Ideology of 'Fjordman'

Targetpractice8/06/2011 7:23:14 pm PDT


Bachmann, she who said she’d vote against raising the debt ceiling and that she didn’t think it’s be a problem, proclaims that she’d work a miracle within first quarter of her presidency:

Bachmann: Improving economy ‘won’t take that long’

NEWTON, Iowa (AP) — Michele Bachmann declared Friday “it won’t take that long” for her to start turning the ailing economy around as president as she competed against other GOP presidential rivals to build support ahead of a key GOP straw poll in Iowa next week.

Four of Bachmann’s opponents in the Aug. 13 straw poll in Ames — Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Thad McCotter — later took turns bashing President Barack Obama’s record at a Republican Party dinner at a high school in Tiffin and pitching themselves as best suited to defeat him.

Earlier in the day in Newton, Bachmann told reporters the economy would start to improve almost immediately after she becomes president because she would implement conservative economic policies to slash the nation’s debt, stop tax increases and cut regulations.

“It won’t take that long if we send signals to the marketplace,” she said, standing by an earlier comment that the improvement would begin within the first quarter.

“Damn that Obama! He’s not the messiah, I am!” *rolls eyes*