
Bryan Fischer: 'We Need an Underground Railroad to Deliver Children From Same-Sex Households'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/08/2012 12:00:43 am PDT

Yes, this is America:

Letters: It’s evolution that’s based on faith

Many local papers carried an AP story decrying the fact that some charter schools would teach creationism and challenge evolution. God forbid! I mean Big Bang forbid!

The critics always point to evolution as a “scientific fact” and argue that creationism is a religious theory. I beg to differ.

You don’t have to be an MIT graduate to understand that the belief that nothing blew up and created a single-cell amoeba that over billions of years became a monkey then a man is not a scientific fact. It is not provable nor does it even follow the basic laws of science.

The laws of physics teach us that the Earth and every thing in it are in a state of entropy (decline), not evolving upward. Secondly, the fossil record which would have millions of transitional fossils (half bird, half fish) as Darwin purported is completely bankrupt of any, much less a “missing link.”


Mike Fuselier


St. Martinville