
Breaking: Explosions Reported at Finish Line of Boston Marathon

Lidane4/15/2013 1:07:49 pm PDT

re: #157 Mattand

I can only imagine the lunacy that is going on in sites like Free Republic and Fox Nation.

Here, have some Freeper fail:

Must be workplace violence, since terrorism no longer exists, since the media no longer covers it.

Quick, blame it on the Tea Party.

Must be exploding Bibles belonging to those Evangelical extremest that are now considered #1 terrorist in the country

Watch out they might tell you that you need to repent


What??? Massachusetts, can’t be, this is an iron clad liberal paradise where things like mass shootings and terrorist bombings don’t happen, Just like Connecticut, New York, Maryland, etc. Obama is quite successful in his plan to destroy the american Republic!!! Wake up….America, Satan Obama is hard at work wiping you all americans out or rendering you slaves to his Muslim brethren!!!

QUICK! Pass a tougher gun control law!

Obviously large capacity magazines, racism, and tepid acceptance of homosexuality are to blame.

No they will blame on some anti-tax zealot who was mad he was having to pay “his fair share.”

interesting that metals and equities markets were tanking a few hours ahead of this.

oh no! were these man-caused disasters? or the other kind?

We need to pass running shoe control legislation immediately!