
Acoustic Maestro Andy McKee Plays "Myth Maker" and Talks About Music

Vicious Babushka6/15/2014 7:18:59 pm PDT

re: #180 Ding-an-sich Wannabe

It was someone who runs Mahablog, and s/he claims to have “typed and typed and typed on those typewriters in the early 1970s, and there was nothing on those memos that couldn’t have come out of one of the better 1970s-era electric typewriters — proportional type, precise centering, superscripts, etc.”. That was written in 2012 btw.

Of course, the best demonstration that it’s a fake is that nobody has produced an identical copy typed on a real such typewriter. Occam’s razor, how does it w… ouch!

If such “typewriters” existed in the ‘70’s, they were typesetting machines that cost in the 10’s of 1000’s of $$, not something that a government employee would have to play around on typing random “memos”