
A Brutally Funny New Video From Key & Peele: Negrotown

CuriousLurker5/06/2015 12:55:09 pm PDT

They’re making this huge thing out of a couple of punk criminals. I hate the whole “free speech is incompatible with Islam” B.S. too. Tell ya what, next time you’re passing by a rough neighborhood, get out of your car, saunter up to the most thuggish looking guy you can find, get right up in his face, and then tell him what an asshole he is.

Better yet, find out who the biggest gang leader is in your town and who his mom is, then get a photo of her and announce that you’re holding an “art” contest to see who can draw the most insulting caricature of her (as an exercise in free speech, of course). Let me know how it works out for you. //

Criminality & violent extremism don’t belong exclusively to Islam.