
Stephen Colbert on Yesterday's Most Pathetic News: Sean Hannity Puts the President to Bed Each Night

Brian J.5/15/2018 3:05:55 pm PDT

Our Devolution pre-game warmups:

Yep, Bernie’s brigade is launching thirteen more candidates at an uncaring world tonight. Here’s how they line up:

One statewide candidate - Paulette Jordan, running for governor of Idaho.
Two Congressional candidates - Jess King, who will win the nomination for safely GOP PA-11… because she’s unopposed, and Greg Edwards in PA-7.
Three state senate candidates - Mark Pinsley, unopposed to face a GOP incumbent in PA-16 (Allentown and points north), Charles Gallia, unopposed to face a Republican incumbent in OR-20 (southern suburbs of Portland) and Kayse Jama, running against a Dem incumbent in OR-24 (east side of Portland).
Four state assembly candidates, all in Pennsylvania - Elizabeth Fiedler in PA-184 (Philly), Kareem Kandil in PA-30 (north of Pittsburgh), and Sarah Innamorato and Summer Lee in PA-21 and PA-34 (running against incumbent brothers, north of Pittsburgh).
Three downballot candidates - Julia DeGraw and Jo Ann Hardesty (Portland City Council, different seats), and James Barber (Lane County Commissioner - Eugene area).

So let’s see how the 10 opposed candidates fare. And for grins, let’s see how many of them OR quietly deletes once they lose.