
Cory Wong // "Treehouse" (Feat. Phoebe Katis)

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)3/11/2020 5:10:46 am PDT


There is a big anti-Trump majority, and misogynistic attacks on Clinton won’t work on Biden. I think Trump is toast, his approval rating is getting worse, and we could be in the grips of a major crisis by the end of the month.

I still think Wendell underscores the political misogyny that Trump benefited from. I too think Trump is at a unique disadvantage. Biden being a known quantity is to our advantage right now. IMO pair Biden with a younger VP, begin repairing the damage Trump has done and in 2024, we can have a great conversation about where we go. By the end of this decade, we’re going to have new leaders. We need to value coalition building instead of a cult of personality around one man. Biden himself gets this. He’s said he sees himself as a bridge to a new generation of leaders. It’s a pity imo that Sanders lacks this humility.