
The Budget with No Numbers

mfarmer13/29/2009 12:59:26 pm PDT

It could have been a one page document and actual numbers wouldn’t have mattered:

Republican Budget Proposal:

1) In real dollars, no more money will be spent in total by the federal government than was spent in 2007. Whatever true dollar cuts need to be made shall be equally applied across the board to all federal agencies. This spending amount shall remain constant for the next four years. Deal with it.

2) A personal income flat tax of 15% with no more deductions of any kind whatsoever shall be implemented immediately and it doesn’t matter how much money you earn.

3) The Department of Education is hereby eliminated. Somehow we educated ourselves from the nation’s beginning until 1979 without it. More to follow.

4) The FDIC is toast. The American public is responsible for its own investments. If you don’t want to take a risk, put your money in coffee cans or inside your mattress. This will force legitimacy in the investment world and weed out the bs and thieves as they compete for your hard earned dough.

5) If you can sufficiently handle the menagerie of bureaucratic paperwork in a welfare office and are proficient using an all in one remote control with a big screen tv, you do not qualify for any government assistance.

6) If you are in this country illegally you are subject to deportation at any time. Until then, you are not entitled to one penny of taxpayer money.

7) Europe and Japan are now responsible for their own defense. We will stay if you wish at the going rate.

8) American car manufacturers are hereby relieved of all regulations imposed by the federal government. You are now free to build whatever the hell you think the public will buy for whatever price you think will attract consumers. Ditto that for the rest of our industries for that matter.

9) No taxpayer money will be used for any far fetched green power initiatives until fifty new nuclear power stations are built and operational.

10) We will actively work to amend the Constitution as follows: Amendment XXVIII: “Fucking lawyers are hereby banned from elected office.”