
Overnight Open Thread

haakondahl5/02/2009 3:22:36 am PDT

re: #175 BatGuano

Do you think we can hope that the younger generation of Muslims might actually like the freedom of democracy and reject Islamic law?

Absolutely! But only if they are able to clearly see the difference. This is why it is critically important to have nothing to do with the crypto-fascists and neo-fascists, especially as they come out of the closet, when they are most likely to take some previously reasonable followers with them.
Why fight for one form of oppression, when you can have another form with no fight? This is the question posed to people who have an opportunity to join us, but who see hateful souls like Geller masquerading as the mainstream right.

Our friends on the Muslim side of the fence (if there is a fence) will win this fight in a way that we cannot, but only if our friendship is genuine, and widespread.