
Overnight Open Thread

3 wood6/30/2009 4:23:22 am PDT

re: #175 rightside

Morning 3 wood. Did you catch axelrod not denying that taxes would have to be raised to fund obamacare?

I heard about it. These people are shameless, but they get away with it cause the worshippers in the MSM and elsewhere accept crap like that and then attack those who question what is going on.

By the way I had a chance to look over the Cap and Trade a bit.

Get ready to become like Europe. Electricity will skyrocket (Obama’s words, not mine) same for gasoline and other fuels. The will add to the already existing inflation problem that is being created by Obama and his minions.

Also, if you go to sell you house, I believe you will have to bring it up to Federal code for energy efficiency, which some people will not be able to afford to do.