
Video: Snow Leopard's Hidden Features

The Shadow Do8/28/2009 7:21:13 pm PDT

re: #162 Bagua

Nor can I, but your point is well taken, the oceans are plied by all sorts of unsavory types. Child Services would be remiss in their competence should they allow the girl to be endangered.

Children have no protection other than the State should their parents fail them, it is one area where need a responsible government involved in social issues.

Really? The young girl, though closely trailed by adults in a trailing boat, will be in danger. Grant you that.

How do you feel about sports? My oldest daughter was in gymnastics at a very high level, a young girl could miss a dismount or take a fall on the high beam and break her neck. Perhaps the State should step in and put a stop to such reckless nonsense, the parents are culpable obviously. Should social services take charge of these irresponsible gym meets?