
Left Becomes Right Becomes Left

What, me worry?12/28/2009 11:16:51 am PST

re: #156 DaddyG

I didn’t blame Clinton for the aftermath of Andrew and I didn’t blame Bush for the aftermath of Katrina. In both cases the local and state governments were responsible for first response and the Feds could only come in when invited by the Governor.

I’ve experienced natural disasters and have been on clean up details for several local and regional efforts. At no time when I was using a chainsaw to clear roads or physically lifing up walls to find a families belonging underneath was I carping that the Federal government or the president wasn’t doing enough because we were a certain color or lived in a certiain state. That is what I have an issue with and I would still have that issue were it Obama being carped about.

What about the truckload of supplies, and the ships docked in the gulf that were delayed for weeks by Homeland Security, a federal agency?