
Senate Republicans Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

palomino9/21/2010 4:56:00 pm PDT

re: #148 sliv_the_eli

Re: the first part of your comment, see my response to Harlequindae.

In response to your question, although I assume it to be rhetorical, my view is that they should propose and push legislation on its merits. They should also work with like-minded people across the aisle to overcome legitimate objections where they exist. And, no, that’s not being naive, it what some of our greatest representatives, like the late Sen. Pat Moynihan (D-NY) and Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and, yes, even Senator McCain, did on more than one occasion during long years of service to the public. That is what I expect of Dems when they are in the majority and of Repubs when they are in the majority. It is what I and everyone else have a right to expect as citizens and residents of this great republic.

Of course the republicans aren’t all evil. But they did just vote unanimously against a bill that includes a civil rights provision now supported by a large majority of Americans. So not evil, but wrong and behind the times.

I agree that the Dems screwed this up in the way they handled it, and should have worked more with the handful of moderate republicans. But do you think this situation will be better after the gop gets one or both houses of Congress? Will they behave like Kennedy, Moynihan, or even the pre-2008 McCain? I wouldn’t bet on it.