
Planned Parenthood Under Attack by Extremist Lila Rose

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/07/2011 1:12:43 pm PST

re: #165 theheat

OT - as a hip and enlightened Jewish man, what is up with the evangelists adopting “Shalom” to their signature lines? Is it just a manifestation of their end times fantasies or their fake love/hate relationship with imperfect Jewish people?

As a vastly less touchy feely Jewish man I will say this.

There are those for whom Christianity is their faith, and they see it as its own thing and I have no beef with them. I respect them and I focus on how our faiths are more similar than different and on the calls for justice and charity that we share from the same roots. Who am I to tell anyone how to search their hearts?


There has always been that smug strain of lowbrow Christianity that absorbs its validity from us and squats on our Tradition much like the Dome of the Rock squats over the Beis Hamikdash. They have always been insecure in the certain knowledge that the original people of Israel, who wrote and were written about in those bibles they thump, rejected their theology, so they cling to bits of our tradition in a vain attempt to show themselves as the new model of the “real thing.”