
The So Long Raving Freakazoid Open Thread

184 4:52:42 pm PDT

My daughter had quite a scare at work the other day. She works at a snowball stand, and she was working alone.

There’s some guy, in his 50’s, who comes every day to have a snoball, and he talks to her. Well, he started trying to get her to go out with him; she got rattled and shut down the snoball stand, then she heard someone turning the doorknob like they were trying to get in, and she really freaked out.

She hit the alarm, called the owner then called home, in total hysterics. The Roi was listening on the other phone while she tried to tell me what was going on and he tore out of here; he and the owner and the cops all showed up at the same time.

It turned out that the person trying to open the door was a regular delivery person, but my daughter didn’t know it because she had shuttered the serving window and couldn’t see out; and this happening right after the old guy tried to talk her into going out with him just rattled her completely. I hope I NEVER again in my lifetime have to hear that sort of panic in her voice.