
Santorum To Rape Victims: 'Accept What God Has Given You'

darthstar1/23/2012 3:32:04 pm PST

RedState calling for a GOP candidate to step down.

Guess which one?

I do not mean this in the sense that he “failed to put away” Newt. You can’t stop him, you can only hope he falls asleep after talking to himself in containment. I mean this in the sense that Mitt Romney managed to turn himself into even more of a walking caricature in just a handful of weeks. His hamhanded handling of his own corporate past — not to be confused with his hamhanded handling of his political past, which is a given — and his wealth have given voters who were preparing hemlock pies and resigning themselves to voting for a blob of clay with fantastic hair a reason to say, By God, no, I’m not going to eat that hemlock, and I’m not going to vote for this idiot.

Consider that the man who doesn’t even respect the electorate enough to lie to them in a consistent manner about his political beliefs, political formation, policy choices, gosh, the list goes on, does respect them enough to openly condescend to them by telling them that three hundred thousand dollars is basically a pittance.