
Overnight Video: President Obama's Speech in Newtown

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam12/17/2012 4:37:11 am PST

re: #180 freetoken

That was the mystical energy lecture. Only advanced students get to hear it, and note-taking is not allowed.

Seriously, New Age-y people get all misty eyed over crystals and sea salt. Crystals (which, you know, are just pretty rocks, basically) supposedly have inherent curative powers. Each type addresses a different ailment. The whole concept probably dates back to prehistoric times. Sunlight or moonlight (= reflected sunlight, but whatever) increases their curative powers, ummmm, mystically. And sea salt is so much better than plain old salt salt, because it’s all-natural, don’tcha know. (Unlike salt salt, which comes out of the ground and is somehow un-natural.)

Don’t try to pin them down on what exactly all this crystal energy stuff means or how it operates. They don’t know, and they don’t care to know, probably because they would have to admit it’s all superstition.

But mineral shops make a ton of dough off these rubes.