
McCain Playing Poker on His iPhone

klys (maker of Silmarils)9/03/2013 7:39:37 pm PDT

re: #184 GeneJockey

Honestly, it seems like a lot of fuss over a one sentence riff on something another poster said. AFAIK, McCain isn’t actually suffering from erectile dysfunction, so you’re not making fun of any actual characteristic of his, apart from maybe being a cranky old man.

Or did I offend people by making a remark that could be construed as ageist and sexist, and making light of mood disorders?

“Don’t take life so serious, son. It ain’t nohow permanent.” - Pogo.

We (I think rightfully) mock the right-wing meme about how all their ‘women’ are attractive while all liberal women are ugly as shit. In a lot of ways, this is equivalent, because it is making the issue about physical characteristics (true or not) instead of policy positions or shit that actually matters from a political point of view.

Your mileage may vary, of course.