
The Incredibly Creepy James O'Keefe Clown Show Goes to Colorado

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam10/21/2014 4:40:58 am PDT

re: #181 A Mom Anon

Again, assumptions based on stereotypes. There are a lot of people out there that 1)Can’t take the time off work, even with early voting. 2) There is more than a little feeling out there that an individual’s vote doesn’t mean a thing.

This is one area the liberals have slipped up on, and not because we’re texting and shopping at fucking Whole Foods. The GOP started taking over on the local level back in the 1970s. This is why in a lot of places there is no dem to vote for in many offices, from local all the way up to federal level. Throw in gerrymandering and in some places your Democratic vote isn’t even possible, let alone count for anything.

Democrats have done a poor job explaining to voters how Democratic legislation has benefited the average American. Meanwhile, the GOP has poisoned the well by encouraging voters to believe all Dems are super-liberal (neo-Marxist) ivory-tower types who don’t care for the “Common Man or Woman.”

The Democrats have helped working-class people, while the GOP has hurt them, economically. Yet, the typical low-info voter has exactly the opposite conception.