
Awesome New Jam From Bokanté: "Nou Tout Sé Yonn"

lawhawk5/08/2017 6:01:31 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in NYC. Today’s gonna shape up to be one heck of a day for Trump. Sally Yates tesifies, and Trump’s already busy trying to deflect attention and jam the airwaves with his nonsensical ravings.

He’s already trying to claim that Flynn was a distant rogue who Obama gave security clearance to. Of course, Trump ignores that Obama Admin fired Flynn and Trump hired him almost immediately and put him on the VP short list and in key foreign policy/defense slot - NSA.

This admin leaks like a sieve. They’re undisciplined, ignorant, corrupt, and compromised. That’s just Trump and his kids. Everyone else is even worse, as Trump’s set up his admin like Survivor meets The Running Man. Everyone is backstabbing and trying to jockey for position/access and will say/do anything to get ahead, even if it means leaking classified info or undermining Trump.

And Trump just blithely continues as if there’s nothing wrong with any of this.

The GOP doesn’t care either - they’ve enabled this compromised regime and just want Trump to sign their burden shifting tax cut plans into law - rolling back decades of progress.