
Seth Meyers: Orgies, Cocaine and Burner Phones Consume GOP Thanks to Cawthorn and Trump

Teddy's Person4/01/2022 6:53:32 am PDT

My two cents on a couple of recent news stories.

First up, Chris Rock vs. Will Smith. The winner, toxic masculinity. A man feels entitled to make a joke about a woman’s appearance. A second man resorts to violence to “defend” the woman targeted by the comment. The story becomes about the men not our society’s toxic masculinity problem and how women have to put up with this shit all the time.

Madison Cawthorn vs. the coke-fueled orgies. The winner, Democrats. We dodged a bullet when young Madison used the phrase “people he admired,” leaving no doubt he was talking about Republicans. McCarthy is pissed that Cawthorn was so specific in his comments making it next to impossible to claim that Democrats are the ones throwing coke-fueled orgies. Otherwise, they’d have to admit a Republican can admire a Democrat (the ultimate Republican sin).