
Video: Retired General Responds to Trump and Republicans' Call for Gen. Mark Milley to Be 'Hung'

KGxvi9/25/2023 4:17:04 pm PDT

re: #163 Targetpractice

Pretty much. More realistically, it’s the oil companies dropping a fucking brick. The car companies are happy, the workers are happy, but the guys whose industry is about to undergo a massive decline are losing their fucking minds.

Norway and South Korea have new gas car bans that go into effect in 2025. 25 countries (and 2 states - California and New York), plan to phase them out by 2040, with Costa Rica shooting for 2050.

But it’s not like gas cars will just disappear. It will probably take close to a decade to phase out 90% of the gas cars on the road. And I suspect there will always be a handful of gas cars on the road, though I suspect most of them to be of the hot rod/vintage variety - like by 2040 you’ll see cars made after 2025 or before 1980 and almost nothing in between