
Louisiana BOE Adopts New Policy Favoring Creationism

Irish Rose1/16/2009 4:42:30 pm PST

re: #162 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Ron? Let me tell you my problem (as a Christian) with the teaching of anything religious based in the schools.

Who decides exactly what version to teach? Catholic teacher may approach intelligent design differently than a Protestant teacher. Too many things are left up to a teacher’s interpretation. A teacher in her/his classroom has almost as much power as a Judge in her/his courtroom.

What if the teacher is Hindu? Agnostic? Atheist?

If I wanted my child instructed only according to my faith, I would send them to a parochial school from my denomination. But what if the teacher only want’s to teach from the King James version of the bible and is boring the little snots to tears. Then my child brings in ‘The Message’ version of the bible and gets dressed down from the teacher.

I just don’t like other people choosing the road my children will take. I encourage individual thought from my children through the upbringing I offered to them.

Finally, I sure as hell don’t want a bunch of Education PHD’s figuring it out for me.

Thanks for hearing me out. Or not.

My sentiments, exactly.