
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/26/2009 5:57:47 pm PST

re: #147 funky chicken

She must be one hell of an actress then. Molecular biology is basically the study of molecular genetics.

You don’t get a doctorate in that field believing that bacteria don’t evolve. My senior year of undergrad I took bacterial molbio and molbio of cancer.

I’m just in shock….and kinda pissed. This was my field, and I worked my ass off to achieve in it….and [self deleted]

I hear you. I completely hear you. However, and I can not find the links for it, I remember some discussion in the department about the ID crowd sending people to grad school with orders to lay low and get the degree so that they could then become legitimatized talking heads for their movement. I mean they had a call out to places like Liberty University and Oral Roberts U to do this. I honestly think she is the product of this.