
Video: Palin's Anti-Science Word Salad

Sigma_x4/10/2010 12:20:51 pm PDT

I can NOT wait to see the faces on these imbeciles when they don’t re-take the House or even come close to taking back the Senate. What are they gonna say then? How are they gonna spin that? When the re: #171 SanFranciscoZionist

Oh, he is. Pity. I was sort of getting into the whole Habitat-buildin’, jovial handyman ex-president thing before he went off the rails about ‘apartheid’.

I don’t know enough on the subject to offer an informed opinion either way. But I’m going to do some homework on it. Because I find it troubling that he would be looked down upon so harshly in this regard. I mean, this is the guy behind the Camp David Accord, right?