
Video: James Dean and Ronald Reagan, Circa 1954

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]4/20/2010 4:09:14 pm PDT

re: #156 The Shadow Do

Cripes, he got called out. He did the mea culpa thing. Life went on. This was a big defeat for the left hungering for his scalp. Why deny that? This was a long time ago. Move on fer cryin out loud. I don’t revile any but the most egregious of politicians (murder, theft, etc), nor do I elevate a single one of them to some great height of statesmanship. In fact, I think all politicians are pretty much bums. Lincoln, Washington, TR, FDR, JFK and on and on were just folks and all should be at the end of the day seen for what they were - ambitious folks with power who hopefully staved off the worst the world has to bring against my country and did not embarrass me to much as a citizen.

That is all.

I’m not hungering for his scalp, I just want Iran Contra to be part of the context, ESPECIALLY now in this dervish of crazy talking points about how Obama is weak on iran. History is history, you don’t suppress it. I wouldn’t want Clinton’s failures to be supressed either. I intensely dislike the creepy lionization of Reagan as some Christ figure to GOP politicians. They like him because he’s a winner, and then do things Reagan would never approve of.