
Video: Romney Supporters Respond to Climate Change by Yelling "USA! USA! USA!"

ausador11/02/2012 10:21:47 pm PDT

re: #168 HappyWarrior

I wonder what it will take for them to accept that climate change is real.

Because the predicted effects are so gradual in occurring they don’t ever have to accept it, and many will not. Fifty years from now pointing out how different things “used to be” will be greeted with skepticism as historical revisionism by these folks. All the weather/temperature data from now and the recent past will be looked at as being modified/falsified by the “scientific AGW cabal.”

We are already in the second generation of people raised as climate deniers and working on raising the third generation. It is going to take the inundation of the countries coastlines by rising sea levels before you get a significant amount of them to change their minds about AGW.