
Video: Glenn Beck Yearns for Civil War

William Lewis1/16/2013 6:21:06 am PST

Oh, my little stars and comets…

In an effort to increase support for itself, the Tea Party has found a way to appeal to more people…change its name to the National Liberty Federation!

Same idiots who can not spell, or read, and who hate women’s rights, minorities, gays, immigrants, unions, teachers, education, government workers, government itself, the non- religious, Indians, and of course “Libtards” and “Dumocrats”…but with a NEW LABEL!!!


In a move of unsurpassed ignorance, these people who first named themselves after someone’s testicles resting on your face, but now they’re correcting it by naming themselves “The NLF” after the Viet Cong?!

If this takes over with other Teabagger groups I will only refer to them as the National Liberation Front and chant “Ho-Ho-Ho Chi Minh, the NLF is gonna win!” at them.