
Enjoy the Coca-Cola Ad That Drove the Right Wing Crazy

GunstarGreen2/03/2014 10:02:55 pm PST

re: #143 Kragar

Ask a Wingnut southerner what should be done if terrorists launched an attack on a US military base inside the US and declared they were establishing their own country.

Let them vent their spleen.

Then mention Ft. Sumter.

A whole lot of the base worldview of the American Right requires that one just outright ignore history.

See also: A bunch of ‘Murcans bitching about a coke commercial demanding that people “speak english”, when not a single damned one of the rotten, history-denying sacks of shit speaks Navajo. You want to talk about dirty furr’n immigrants taking our jerbs? What the hell do they think the colonies and Manifest Destiny were?

I agree, immigrants should learn the native tongue or get out. We’ll start with Jeb and Bubba.