
Conservative Mag Slams '12 Years a Slave' for Failing to Portray Happy Slaves

GunstarGreen3/10/2014 11:25:14 am PDT

re: #177 HappyWarrior
Story on and interview with Peter Lanza, father of Adam the Newtown shooter. He actually says he wishes his son were never born which I imagine even knowing what his son did was really hard to say. It is always scary but I see a little of myself in Adam Lanza, like Lanza I have Asperger’s and some of the traits that go with it. Obviously I never would even think about shooting up a school of children but it’s scary to me to read stuff like this and see a litlte of yourself.

As I’ve said in other contexts, it is important to keep in mind — fresh in mind — that Adam Lanza was a man. Not a demon. Not a wraith. Not some mythological beast from a storybook. A man.

We all have grievances. The differences between us lie in how we handle those grievances. Never forget that which humans are capable of, given motivation and means. Never forget that the core difference between decent people and mass murderers, perhaps the only difference, is how they choose to deal with their grievances.