
A Music Video From a Lost Age: Chris Whitley, "Wild Country"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/17/2017 10:09:50 pm PST

America, 2017:

‘A Bible nation from the beginning’: A preview of Washington’s controversial $500M Museum of the Bible


“People often wonder, ‘Will the museum be presenting a literal interpretation? Or a different interpretation of Genesis?’” Bickley said. “We don’t enter into that; we don’t get into theology or points of view. We just tell the story that’s actually in the Bible.”


When the museum opens, visitors will be able to wander a reimagined Nazareth village and interact with roaming actors wearing ancient Israeli garb. […]

Creationists tend to be so self-delusional that they can’t even admit what they are trying to do.

In this case, by making a diorama/set for a village named
“Nazareth”, the museum is intentionally presenting a literal approach to the Gospels, at least one of them. And for those of you not aware of the inherent problem in the Nazareth narratives, the entire proposition that the NT central character was from such a village is very problematic.

And it’s quite clear that the entire museum really is intended to further the cause of theocracy, and even supporters can see that:

“Incredible. Outstanding,” said Doug Gustafson, who scored a VIP tour through a family friend.

“It’s going to have incredible impact on people and bring the Bible alive and make it way more meaningful,” added his wife, Leslie. “People are going to get it. They’ll have opportunity to get it. And from so many vantage points.”

The inherent dishonesty in trying to say this museum is not taking “positions” is staggering.

But then again, DC has now turned into Trumpland, and America is in delusions of all sorts.