
Colbert: Trump Hasn't Been Tested for Coronavirus Despite Possible Exposure, and He's Proud of It

BigPapa3/11/2020 12:30:13 pm PDT

re: #179 The Pie Overlord!

Our office is 1 x BigPapa and 3 x Others.

I wipe down all door knobs, toilet handle/seat/cover, my desk, cell phone, computer, mouse, etc every AM. Today I get tissue and engate Sneeze Protocol: sneeze into something you dispose, if nothing, your arm. Never your hand.

I don’t know about you folks but the Flattening the Curve graphic is very empowering for me and focuses us on an achievable goal. We can do this. It might save my wife/mom/MIL’s life.

I gotta live for another 273 days to see Agent Orange and the Banana Republicans annihlated. I will not be denied.