
Punch Brothers Live From Home: This Is the Song (Good Luck)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷4/26/2020 7:51:33 am PDT

Trump-supporting protesters are wearing handmaid’s outfits - do they not see the irony? (The Guardian)

(with photographs)

The shapeless scarlet cloaks and oversized white bonnets have become a familiar sight at protests around the world. From pro-choice demonstrations in Belfast to women’s rights marches in Buenos Aires, the clothes worn by Margaret Atwood’s handmaids in her dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale have become a striking symbol of female defiance.

Now it seems the handmaid’s uniform has taken on a newly dystopian dimension: the outfit has been appropriated by Trump-supporting protesters at the anti-quarantine rallies that have been spreading across America. These rallies, orchestrated by a network of far right and extremist groups, have also seen rightwingers hold up signs with pro-choice slogans like “my body, my choice”.
